Outside things come and go.
In the end, what matters most, is the way we feel on the inside.
We are our own homes before any person or place is.
And when we can internalize that and feel that in our bones,
No matter who goes
Or what stays,
We are always Home.
Our internal reality is what we are with, all day, every day.
What matters most, is how we feel on the inside
We live and swim in a society/culture of an experience of not enough
So many people feel that when I "have the money, the healing, the person, the accomplishment, when I have enough, when I am enough- THEN I'll feel calm, fulfilled, at peace, enough to live fully, feel whole, be present.
There are so many industries oriented to this inner experience of never enough, including the beauty, weight loss, and even healing world. This is an orientation toward the outsides. When I have that thing, that feeling, that place, that experience, then I can settle into my life.
These billion dollars industries are built on our cultures perpetual dissatisfaction
There is another way, a new/old way to feel enough, whole, full in the now
And that is to shift our orientation towards the way we feel on the inside. To feed on the love and fullness and depth and beauty that is in there. Inside.
We are our own homes
Before any person, place or thing is
And when we feel that
In our bones
We are always home
Let's return to our insides, the seat of our soul
Because outside things come and go
And at the end of the day, what we are left with is our inner being.
When we do this, we make the world a more safe, satisfying, pleasurable, connective place for ourselves and others.
You will find that landing inside is such a deep savoring experience. As deep and as far as we can go searching, exploring, creating on the outsides, your insides are infinite. The depth and breadth is forever, and the love is vast and pure and wonderful.
(*This post is not speaking to those in the middle of active abuse, trauma, or illness, but can be if it feels good and right in the individual nervous system to receive)