We have some very exciting news to share!!
We (Chani Frankel and Rivky Gross) started a podcast called ‘'The Possibility in the Universe!!’'
This podcast is inspired by our long standing phone call every Wednesday morning, where we spend time in curious conversation. Each time before we hung up for the past few month we said…. ‘Kinda wish we recorded that, it would have been such a good pod cast episode…’ teasing the idea, until we decided, we are starting the pod cast TODAY, what should we call it?!
And then just like that, it’s here!!!
‘The Possibility in the Universe’
The first and second episode has already dropped in the past 2 weeks. We've been getting the most incredible feedback from all of you.
Episode 1 is: The Possibility in Faith; Faith is found in the moment when we come back to ourselves
Episode 2 is: The Possibility in Perspective; We don't see the world as it is, we see the world as we are, and understanding the trauma lens and how to expand our perspective.
So beyond excited and Shana Tovah!
Much love,
Chani and Rivky