Grief + Gratitude = Grace
"Please call me by my true names
So I can hear my cries and laughter at once
So I can see
That my joy and pain are One
Please call me by my true name
So that I may wake up
And the doors of my heart
Can forever open"
Grief is a portal to Gratitude
When we call grief by its true name: a Portal, a possibility for movement, for being with, for integrating the old and the new, the young and the elderly, the sadness and joy. Grief heals the split and fragmented parts inside of us. It's a softener, an alchemizer, a humbler, a strengthener.
An ego-melter, a soul-reviver, a gift for the collective.
It's a portal to gratitude because it's the portal to the present moment. It's a releaser and commemorator of the past, so we can honor the old and revel in the new at the same time. It creates space for the holding of both, it is the medicine to open the heart
It isn't bad or good
It just is
And when we allow it
It moves Through us like a river
Making way for an alive, embodied, rich and multifaceted present moment
I call that moment grace