A few things I wish all leaders and aspiring leaders could know in their bones:
- Mistakes are a part of our experience here. There’s always something to learn and grow inside ourselves.
- When you move, act, speak from the heart–it most often enters the heart of others. (And sometimes because of where someone else is at, you can be misunderstood.) Move from the heart anyways.
- Becoming okay with not everyone understanding you, allows you to shine in your soul's way.
- People come with their own perspectives shaped by their own experiences. Be kind and have boundaries.
- Boundaries and love are not mutually exclusive. They actually come together to form safety and regulation in business, leadership, and in all connection.
- Peace is found in the moments when we come back to ourselves.
- Taking care of ourselves first is the number one way to show up for others in integrity.
- We are all human. Own your projections and blind spots. Don’t own others' projections and blind spots.
- When you notice something special in someone, tell them. It helps bring more energy into the world. When you notice something special in yourself, acknowledge it.
- A sincere apology goes a long way. Self forgiveness and compassion means apologizing to the self first. You don’t need to be perfect, perfect is an illusion. Be human.
- A little faith goes a long way.
- Humility and confidence do get to go together. They are actually both only whole if they are together. They each complement the integrity of the other.
- Bring God to work.
- Learn from others. The best music is made with many instruments.
- Remember that your art, leadership, business or offering has the capacity to change the world. Treat it as such.
- The deeper we go, the safer it gets inside. It sounds counterintuitive but it's actually a really deep truth. Don't be afraid to go really deep inside. So much of your power resides there.
- Keep telling your inner child how far you've come. Update them often.
- Reframe failure. You have the capacity to learn from every moment and feel your way through anything.
- Your most valuable resource is: you, resourced.
We are all leaders in our own lives. What is landing for you?
Much love,