The Retreat

It’s Never About the Outside Things

consciousness hypnotherapy perception Sep 20, 2024

It’s never about the outside things.

How do I know this?
Because I know so deeply seeing it over and over in myself and in my clients that: we don't see the world as it is, we see the world as we are.

We experience the world through the perceptions, views and understandings that we have.

It we are aware and awake to the fact that most of our beliefs about the world were created before we had a fully developed prefrontal cortex, if we would understand so deeply the way that little ones form conclusions, and patterns and early coding based on the needs they did or didnt receive physically, socially, emotionally, or on a heart and soul level we would start to see how clear it is that every human walks through the world with a different perspective and therefore different experience.

Outside things come and go. Health, the way we look, money, people, places, things, ideas.
That's a part of our human experience here.
What always stays with us is our inner being.
What matters more than anything is the connection with our life force, our soul, consciousness itself, each present moment.
And our perception of the outside things is only a mirror to the perception of our insides.

When we do subconscious work and get to the root of the belief, pattern, or old coding that's driving the bus of our consciousness, when we make the subconscious patterns and unavoidable (but never true) conclusions that we created about ourselves in childhood due to ‹ unmet needs conscious we become free. We stop • blaming, projecting, pushing away love, or suffering unconsciously.
We become free inside with the knowing that it's never about the outside things- they are just reflections of the way we feel inside.

Freedom is knowing that these unavoidable, (but never who we really were patterns, ways of coping, defense mechanisms, and beliefs were never who we really were.

When we don't know that to our bones, the outside things dictate our happiness. (If the outside comes or goes, approves or disapproves, is there or not there, chooses us, or doesn't choose us - our perceptions of the outsides actions and beliefs is viewed through the exact lens in which we view ourselves.)

Outside things come and go. Proof it's not about the outside things: I have clients who have "it all." Money, family, connection, love-and when they came to me they weren't happy or present or feeling alive. The lens in which they saw the world was scarcity, lack, blame, negativity, disassociation, othering themselves and others, and suffering
I also know people who have very little
"outside things", maybe even are sick, alone, or with limited resources, but have access to each and every present moment and live life through a lens of presence, resource, and joy.

... because it was never about the outside things, but about how the inside perceives and experiences the outside things, based on our (unavoidable but never true) initial patterning, coding, or conclusions formed from unmet childhood needs.

Freedom is returning to the present moment after shifting a subconscious code, belief or holding pattern that was formed a long time ago, that dictated our perception and experience of the world ever since.
Freedom is returning to the present moment, where nothing is wrong.

It's never (really) about the outside things.

When we learn this to our core
We are free
Who doesn't want to be free?

Subconscious work, somatic re-patterning, and quantum coding work are portals to be free, if done in ways that are conscious, compassionate, and with wisdom

Join me?

(There is always nuance to everything on this entire green earth, this is one facet of a huge picture that I believe in deeply and am therefore sharing 🤍)


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Our monthly online membership includes teachings and embodiment practices, utilizing somatic and subconscious-based modalities.

Membership Includes:

  • Access to 90-minute monthly group calls with Rivky. Calls will be held every 3rd Wednesday* 
  • Access to full library of replays
  • Member-only bonuses for upcoming courses and group containers

*Dates are subject to change.

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