"How can we recover Reverence for every living being?
Feel the magnitude of divinity inside of every- body?
So that it can be unleashed?"
How can we open up our eyes to see what is right in front of us, the vastness of the beauty of the sacredness that has become mundane?
I believe in part re-finding/refining Reverence comes from re-discovering humanity- ours and others. The human, humane, beating heart, fleshy us/you/them/me that's inside of all of us.
When we remember that we are all made of the same matter, flesh, bones, divinity, we remember that we matter- so very much.
No one that truly knew they matter would do anything other than care about all inner Be-ings.
Rediscovering our own sense of mattering will save us. Re-membering that we matter to the earth, to the cosmos, to other humans and to children, to nature and to the very air we breathe.
Human-ness will save us. The celebration of feeling. The honoring of stories. It is what will take society from victim consciousness to victorious. When we honor, honor, honor-
the victim isn't a victim anymore- he is an honored being, that knows he matters.
Honoring ourselves helps us honor others.
When we hold our humanity in one hand
And our divinity in the other
And our duality in between it all
We are holding Reverence
So Cry- it's good for love
Rage- it's good for love
Sing- it's good for love
Pray- it's good for love
Care- it's love itself.
Care until your heart breaks and bleeds and gets lost and has to find its way. Find your way and then care again.
Don't lose your reverence and deep humanity to fear or uncertainty. Rather, reverence asks you to be with what is. To honor. To exist with. To dance with.
Everything is sacred when we take time to notice.