When you feel your pain instead of drowning in resistance, protest, projecting, resentment, blaming or pointing fingers at others, subconscious manipulation tactics, victim mode, martyr mode, addiction, distractions, etc...
You receive the greatest gift – from yourself. To feel is to heal, and when you feel you can show up with a deeper presence and loving kindness to yourself and the world."
If you are wondering if you are showing up to something through the filter of your wounds, you are. If you are wondering whether you are creating a childhood pattern subconsciously, you are. (This is nothing to be ashamed of, just something to get honest with the Self about.)
When you are connected to your essential Self though, you are allowing life to move through you. You are sensing your essence and you are in the presence of the river that flows in you – an open hearted, loving and kind river and lens in which you see yourself and everyone else through.
Remember this when you are feeling lost, scared, worried, ruminating, over-processing, uncomfortable, in lack, or like your heart is closed or defenses are up and on alert:
The resistance to the pain is always worse than the pain.
The defense is there to remind you that there's a feeling inside, usually a child's feeling, waiting to be felt, or a belief you inner child has about its own worthiness and love-ability that was unavoidable that it would believe, but never true waiting to be reassured- all the way to freedom.
Feeling is the pathway to the open, brave, overflowing loving heart.
Feeling is the opposite of projecting our childhood hurt and pain on our adult lives.
Some of the most important work of our lives. Be gentle with yourself. It takes time. Real healing is possible and real feeling is possible.
Redefining healing to mean- being with what is. Presence. Aliveness. Surrender. Self acceptance. Loving kindness.
Sometimes we mistake the resistance to feeling to feeling itself- that is a misunderstanding.
We are primed to feel so scared of feeling. That fear is even worse than the feeling when we surrender to it. Survival mode taught us that feelings aren't safe, by feeling them, we can teach our bodies and hearts a new story.
Here's to living Alive.