Being in the resonance field with others is experiencing the space between the words. Being in the resonance field with others is the experience of being in shared reality. The resonance field is the feeling of being on a "home frequency" with others. Being in a field of resonance together is the unspoken knowing of connection. It's the embodied feeling of the words "I get you, I feel you, we are here together."
Do you have spaces in life that you've tapped into or tap into the resonance field with others? Do you crave to be in resonance or "home frequency" with others but often feel mismatch or lack of shared reality? Do you find that most often others don't get to really know you, understand you, or "pick up what you put down" without a lot of explaining or hard work?
This pattern may be a re-occurring one in your life because of lack of attunement, or many mis-matches as a little one. It makes so much sense to crave a field of resonance but feel it's out of reach, if that was your infant or childhood experience.
Becoming aware of this is helpful to then create new patterns in adulthood, where there can be people who do understand, and match well with you. Seeing, acknowledging, and grieving the misattunement in your life can create space for creating a new reality in your life right now.
Respond here if you resonate and let's get into that resonance field together!