Forgiveness (Self and other):
It's a funny thing
So murky until it's absolutely clear
It's almost funny
Humor (that's a big part)
There's a mechanism for it
Heart open to feel discomfort
Discomfort felt
Pain passes through a Portal of your own making
It is possible to choose to open the The heart mechanisms
Just as you can close them when something feels less than a-ok
It's the expansion after the contraction
We go into contraction to touch our soul themes
There's nothing bad or wrong about that
Take as long as you need
In this space
Time is a construct
And space is a gift you give yourself
And when you are ready to be brave
Dust yourself first
Forgive yourself first
You are okay
It's okay
It's never not been
It's not too late
To love again
Mostly yourself
Especially yourself
You are the precious thing you are living for
Even with all the hurt
Especially with all the hurt
Love, it doesn't go away
It just sits right below the fear and the pain
Sometimes we create fear or pain because we are afraid of fear and pain in the future
Like detachment
Or abandonment
So we cause it to ourselves
And we think: "then hopefully when the contraction comes it won't be a surprise"
Let's stop playing with the valves
What if we went all in
What if it was all okay
What if resistance was just an invitation to flow around it
When there is a rock in water
Water find a new way to flow
Over it, under it, around it
It causes beautiful ripples
The tension creates art
Us humans can do that too
Create ripples and art and beauty with our tension
There's nothing to be afraid of
Let's play?