All your emotions belong here, inside of you.
There's this preconceived notion that I've heard from clients, and even practitioners that being "healed" means being "regulated" out of uncomfortable, intense or challenging feelings.
That is not true, and can be shaming to the life force inside of us. Emotions just want to move through us.
Just want to be felt.
A part of being alive is feeling a full spectrum of feelings.
Regulation is not about pushing down what is alive, but learning to allow it to come up and out.
So much illness and pain and mental health struggles are born from repression and suppression and depression of natural life force energy.
There is wisdom in your anger, your anxiety, your jealousy, you irritability, your frustration, your sadness and grief and joy and ecstacy. There is wisdom in every feeling you have ever felt and every feeling you will ever feel. And every wave you ride will bring you right back to your core and essence over and over again.
It's totally normal and healing and whole to have days that feel sad and grief and lonliness and pain. It doesn't mean the "healing" isn't working. It doesn't mean you need new therapy. It doesn't mean your inner work isn't getting anywhere. It means you are human, healing and alive.
From this day on, allow your healing journey to be one not of fixing your insides and making yourself okay, but starting to see the wisdom in every drop of it. In your anxiety, your pain, and your coping mechanisms.
Life feels so much more flowing, so much less resistance, and so much more spacious (and present and joyful!) from this place. I know that from my inner experience, because I've tried it both ways.
And allowing what is inside of me to belong, is the biggest gift I've given myself. Allowing my feelings to be felt and my experiences to move through me, gives them the messaging that they belong, they are allowed and the permission keeps them flowing and moving so they don't feel as stuck or resistant but moving and alive.