I just had the opportunity to fulfill a dream.
I taught my very first class on faith and trust, through the lens of developmental and trauma healing.
Chani Frankel (@makomsanctuary) taught me via Coach Moishe (@coachmoishe) that if you truly want to learn something, give it, teach it. I was afraid to teach it with thoughts like, "Who am I to approach this topic?" But through my anxiety, I learned the wisdom of who I am, who we all are, and I taught today. Hineni. Here I am.
Our trust is not lost. The tunnel vision that trauma and early attachment give us is the reason why we have the misunderstanding in adulthood that we are alone.
This class was exceptional, and it was an expression of the divine within that allowed me to channel clearly the words needed to land in my own heart and the hearts of others who were there.
Thank you for learning with me, thank you for the opportunity to teach and be taught. I feel so grateful, so humbled, and in awe that after so many generations, in this generation, there are many brave souls healing things they didn't break and ready, so ready, to trust again, to open their hearts to the understanding that: Hashem (God, Source, the Creator) is here, Hashem is there, Hashem is truly everywhere. And most of all, the divine is inside of us, and we are finding it.
I will be teaching this class every other Thursday morning at 9 am EST. All classes will be recorded so you can watch them if you need to miss one or re-watch after for deeper integration. You can join the membership to be a part of it. DM me for the link, or find it on my website https://www.rivky-gross.com/. I know that this class has so much value for all of us. Thank you.
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Rivky Gross
My name is Rivky Gross, I help people find safety inside of their bodies, move through subconscious material that keeps them stuck or searching inside of their lives, create lasting change inside of the body, heart, nervous system. I help people repattern old nervous system responses, and old wounds and ways of being so that they can feel free inside of their lives.