Your worth is not definable by someone else's capacity to meet your needs. Your worth is not definable by someone else's desire to receive what you have to offer. Your worth is not definable by someone else's validation of your belonging, or your gifts mattering.
You belong. You matter. Your gifts matter. Your offering in this world matters. Your worth is not negotiable. You are a child of God. You are You.
No matter if someone says no to you, rejects, or sets boundaries with you, you are not inherently rejectable, cancelable, or any less worthy than you would be if you were welcomed, allowed, and embraced. Our worthiness cannot be defined by other people's abilities to meet our needs, receive us, or make us feel worthy. Your worthiness runs so much deeper than that.
Shame in childhood makes us believe that our worthiness can be defined by the way we are perceived, allowed, and met. That if we are not seen, recognized, attuned to, and understood, we don't matter, or existentially, for some little ones (or adults), we don't exist.
And maybe the boundaries or feeling of rejection inside that causes is another tool, portal, and conduit to truly and wholly feel our own inherent worthiness without anything from the outside. And when we have that, we have everything. Because what matters most in the whole world is what we feel inside. What we feel deep inside, in the core of our being.