I'm not a "self made" person.
I am a support made person.
I am a God supported, human supported, nature supported, angel supported, unseen forces supported person.
If I were to say I'm "self made" that would be untrue—as the secret to all success in my life is support. Therapists, mentors, guides, teachers, friends, loved ones. I've made everyone who's inspired me my teacher. I ask questions, guidance, advice, teachings. Receive support, encouragement, others expertise and experience.
I have people in my life who can hold and be with, hear and love my bigness and my human-ness. My hopes and my ideas, my sticky triggers and my expansive vision. I've been supported through transitions, I've been supported in all kinds of ways.
I have been supported by the faces of the universe that show up for me, and the faces of the universe that I source for myself to be supported by.
I've been supported by God, who sends the support into my life, and by nature, another face of God that shows up constantly, regulating, consistent, always there.
I've been supported by friends, and by human angels—unassuming, showing up, there they are.
I'm not "self made"—I constantly invest in support, in wisdom, in receiving. It's a practice. Sometimes the investment is financial, sometimes emotional, sometimes time, sometimes vulnerability.
I invest because support is everything to me. It's how I move, it's who I am, it provides richness, and texture and color to my life.
It helps me create success, joy, abundance, more ease, and a visceral knowing that I am held in the world.
It also helps me be a better teacher, mentor, leader, practitioner and support for others. The support that I receive makes the support I give that much more potent and rich for those receiving it.
I believe that: A supported world is a safer world. A supported world is a resourced world. A supported world is a more regulated world.
If you desire to receive from me there are 5 ways right now:
- The Way of the Heart for leaders (14 week online zoom course/group) beginning July 2nd.
- I have 1:1 spots open for 2 individuals. These are 3, 6, 9, or 12 months of private sessions with me includes deep inner work, mentorship, and support.
- 6 week group in person in NJ. 6 individuals, transformative process. Beginning on July 8th.
- The Summer Retreat—August 2-4. Incredible transformation on the level of soma, spirit, and psyche.
- Join The Membership and be a part of once a month live online calls with other exciting offerings and bonuses when you are a part of this space!
I'm not a "self made" person. I didn't create all of the beauty, expansion, wisdom, perspective, joy, nuance, health, and abundance that is in my life by myself.
I am a support made person.
Walking with support beside me, friends around me, teachers and elders before me. And ancestors before them, leading the way back, guiding the way forward, supporting my becoming.