There can be a misunderstanding at times that love and boundaries are mutually exclusive, when in fact they are one and the same.
Boundaries are the container, the funnel, the safety, the holding, that allows the love to flow through.
Love without boundaries can create chaos, confusion, and murkiness.
Boundaries create safe spaces for love to land.
Individuation breeds connection. Co-dependency creates fusion.
We cannot be connected if we are fused. Only inside of our separateness can we see, and hear and know each other.
It is through individuation that we create true unity and oneness. That we return to wholeness and true inter-being.
We can truly know each other when we can truly feel and know our Self.
Avoidance is not real boundaries.
Avoidance and fusion in relationship are actually both fusion. They are two sides of the same coin.
Anything that has "extra charge" around it that makes us attach (or un-attach) in ways that are not functional, regulated, or fully true means we are fused and enmeshed with it in some way.
Un-fusing, or individuating means coming into real, communicative, caring connection—first with Self and then with others.
We are our own homes, before any person or place. When we learn that, when we know that in our bones—we are always Home.
We are our own "source to Source", the creator, the Source of all things. When we learn that, when we know that in our bones, we are always Home.
Boundaries create safe spaces for love to land.
All Categories abundance art blessing bodywork boundaries breathwork compassion connection consciousness creative expression creator embodiment energy essence faith family constellation fear forgive frequency grace hashem healing humanity hypnotherapy inner-being leaders learning manifesting nervous system reset nervous system work neshama parts work perception portal presence psychodrama resources rest retreat rhythm self expression sense of self somatic therapy source source code stillness surrender therapy trauma healing tree of lifeRivky Gross
My name is Rivky Gross, I help people find safety inside of their bodies, move through subconscious material that keeps them stuck or searching inside of their lives, create lasting change inside of the body, heart, nervous system. I help people repattern old nervous system responses, and old wounds and ways of being so that they can feel free inside of their lives.