The Retreat
Ending the Consciousness of Hiearchy

Ending the Consciousness of Hiearchy

Jul 02, 2024

"The easiest and most sure way to take to take someone off of a pedestal, is to get to know them"

For those of us used to living in a hiearchal headspace, where as children we were taught consciously or through osmosis to put people above or below us, the easiest way to move out of this paradigm is to truly create intimacy with others.

As Pia Melody calls it "the experience of one upping or one downing ourselves or others"

When we deeply get to know others, and their unique insides, the pedestal paradigm melts, and our Humanness and aliveness is left in its wake.

We are all human. Sometimes broken, always Whole. Relating to each other with vulnerability, compassion, reverence, care, human-ness, and love is so integral for our evolution as inter- connected human beings.

Sometimes we are a giver, sometimes a taker, sometimes a leader, sometimes a student, sometimes a learner, sometimes a teacher. It's okay and necessary to step into our roles - while always knowing that these roles are just an understanding of the space we are taking up in that moment, the game we are choosing to play in this life, and is not bigger or smaller, less or more, than anyone else. When we stand eye to eye with each other, we invite more community. more love, and less loneliness and fear.

We create a world together where humans can be human and dance in reciprocity and flow, where hearts get to touch hearts, resonance gets to be felt, and respect and honoring the sacredness of each individual in the collective, becomes the baseline.


Our monthly online membership includes teachings and embodiment practices, utilizing somatic and subconscious-based modalities.

Membership Includes:

  • Access toĀ 90-minute monthly group callsĀ with Rivky. Calls will be held every 3rd Wednesday*Ā 
  • Access to full library of replays
  • Member-only bonuses for upcoming courses and group containers

*Dates are subject to change.

Access Now for $197 a month


Our monthly online membership includes teachings and embodiment practices, utilizing somatic and subconscious-based modalities.

Membership Includes:

  • Access toĀ 90-minute monthly group callsĀ with Rivky. Calls will be held every 3rd Wednesday*Ā 
  • Access to full library of replays
  • Member-only bonuses for upcoming courses and group containers

*Dates are subject to change.

Access Now for $197 a month