I've learned over the past few years from a few beautiful teachers who have gained mastery in the healing arts, that the sign of mastery in a healing practitioner or a helping role is the ability to be with the "I don't know", the space in between, the mystery, and the letting go.
I don't know is the portal to the unknown, is the portal to God, it's the space that allows Source to come in and be with us, heal us, enter into us.
"I don't know" is the portal to every next level of our growth and evolution. Sitting with it, we become spacious and the waters inside become calm and still because we are allowing in something bigger, calmer, kinder, stronger, and more true to be with us.
"I don't know" is the portal to faith which is the portal to everything that is, because within it- we leave space for God- who is the Source of all is-ness.
I believe that "I don't know" is the very best and most sophisticated quantum technology that exists.