Underneath the brittle defenses, poky parts, ruminating thoughts, and spinning feelings- all humans are truly presence, essence, and deep enduring, everlasting love. Each one of us.
Ruptures and misunderstandings with Self or others can bring up fear and pain.
Remembering that love is eternal and always right under any defense mechanism or wound is the truest and most real thing I know.
We are here to play this game of remembering over and over again.
Remembering the love under fear, grief, pain and trauma is the most blissful knowing there is. Love never goes away. It's a staying force, the truest thing in the world. Sometimes it hides but it's always here. Like presence, like Hashem, like our souls, like everlasting light, "ohr ein sof."
We access that love by staying with the resistance, defenses, greif, or pain until it tells us it's true name. In the being with all of our parts, we can melt whatever is In the way of our essence with compassion.
"Truth is found in the moments when we come back to ourselves, when we ride the waves of emotions, instead of getting lost in the swells... love, it doesn't go away, it just sits right below the fear and the pain."
-The Emmit Sisters