These words are the beginning of an ancient Hebrew prayer, translated to mean "My G-d (source, essence), the soul you bestowed in me is pure...; You created it, You formed it, You breathed it into me and You preserve it within me. You will eventually take it from me, and restore it in me in the time to come. So long as the soul is within me I give thanks to You..."
This prayer is am affirmation of our essence. An affirmation to remind us who we are under the protector parts and defense mechanisms. To remind us who we are under the voices in our head and underneath the fears in our minds or the pain in our hearts.
Ultimately our true selves are our essential Selves. Reminding ourselves that we are a piece of source, essence, love underneath can reclaim our society and these days of forgetfulness in the world. As each person remembers this about themselves, we can't help but remember about each other. As we remember our soul, we remember G-d, Source, the Universe.
And from any sleepy, sluggish, deprived, depraved, greiving, fighting, fearful, ruminating, stuck, scared parts of our world, or our insides- our inner and outer worlds will remember our true name- Kadosh. Kadosh. Kadosh.
Holy. Holy. Holy.
So If you can, sing this prayer with me today. Sing it, say it, read it in English or in Hebrew, listen to it's song. It's rythm and cadence. It will remind you of you and of G-d, and the piece of G-d inside of you.