The Retreat
Mindful Momentum: Respecting Your Inner Pace for Authentic Progress

Honoring the Pace of the Nervous System in Your Inner Work for the Purpose of Authentic and Integrative Progress

Dec 03, 2023

"I will only go as fast, as the slowest part of me, feels safe to go."

Moving at the pace of safety is about acknowledging All the parts of us- especially the parts that are harder to accept and stay with. The parts that may seem resistant, or frustrated, or disconnected, or jaded, or stuck in victim mode.

I often say in groups or sessions with clients, well as to myself- if a resistant, disconnected, needy, uncomfortable part shows up, it's showing us that there is something inside of us that needs MORE- more love, attention, space, connection, holding, pleasure, compassion.

Those slower, sluggish, younger, perhaps resistant parts are medicine because they are communicating to us the exact formula of what we really, truly need underneath.

And when we can find those needs, have patience with them, build our capacities to meet them or receive support around them- we open to faster, more sustainable, true, and integrated growth and movement.

It's a paradox- when we meet the slowest parts of ourselves, exactly where they are at, we create space for so much more forward moving, exciting and alive energy in our lives.

When we create safety inside to feel it all. we can have a sense of integration because we did not bypass the "slower" parts in the shadows, and the medicine of their very real needs.


Our monthly online membership includes teachings and embodiment practices, utilizing somatic and subconscious-based modalities.

Membership Includes:

  • Access toĀ 90-minute monthly group callsĀ with Rivky. Calls will be held every 3rd Wednesday*Ā 
  • Access to full library of replays
  • Member-only bonuses for upcoming courses and group containers

*Dates are subject to change.

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Our monthly online membership includes teachings and embodiment practices, utilizing somatic and subconscious-based modalities.

Membership Includes:

  • Access toĀ 90-minute monthly group callsĀ with Rivky. Calls will be held every 3rd Wednesday*Ā 
  • Access to full library of replays
  • Member-only bonuses for upcoming courses and group containers

*Dates are subject to change.

Access Now for $197 a month