The Retreat


Step one for working with Rivky 1:1, is booking your 90-minute intake session.

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Process for working 1:1 with Rivky

After an intake session, there is an option for booking 1:1 sessions with Rivky as needed (based on availability), and for working with Rivky weekly in a 3, 6, 9, or 12 month container.

Intake Session

A first session with Rivky is always a 90-minute intake session at $1,000.

Apply Here


This session can occur on zoom or in person based on location and is 60 minutes at $750.

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Apply to work 1:1 with Rivky

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It's hard to put into words what Rivky's sessions can accomplish. How do you describe a Hug from Spirit?

Shortly after starting a process with Rivky, while brushing my teeth one night I realized something profound: the abandonment sense I have carried all my life has filled. I no longer feel abandoned.

And I thought: Many clinicians can identify holes in attachment. They can sit in therapy and talk about it for years or decades. But they have no tools at all for how to treat it.

In fundamentally re-patterning the system, Rivky can treat deeply embedded attachment patterns that were acquired in early childhood.

For me, after years (and years) of traditional psychotherapy with little tangible results; just a few sessions of somatic experiencing work made such a dramatic difference on every level.

My body feels safe.

I am no longer embodying a lifetime of trauma.

And with the newfound sense of safety came the gift of embodiment. Holding my two-year-old son and feeling such love in my body; seeing a picture of a custard donut and feeling the physical desire in my mouth; the sweet joy of feeling alive; of being present at the moment. This is a new experience for me. It's a priceless gift; all I can say is- Thank you

One more thought as I am writing this; Rivky reflects to you your complete wholeness. From there, you can find your way home. 

- GC, 1:1 Session Participant


First of all, I left my sessions with Rivky feeling great which in itself is a new experience for me. I left feeling positive and energized. More connected and centered in my body and self. Stronger. More capable. Empowered. A sense of knowing what works for me and that I can take care of myself. And also lighter and more open and hopeful.

- AP, 1:1 Session Participant


After a session with you, I'm starting to see the difference between actually experiencing new realities vs. understanding them in my mind and then trying to apply them. It shows me that it doesn't all have to be so hard. I just have to experience it to know what it is and then I can get back there much more easily.

- ML, 1:1 Session Participant


Rivky, I am feeling really peaceful today. Just at peace. And so excited about what's to come, what's possible from this place of freedom and power. You bring so much focused investment and clear, firm but deep and tender energy to your work. It's incredible. You really feel like a powerful channel. Thank you. Beyond. Thank you.

- PU, 1:1 Session Participant


Thank you for helping me to change my life in just 3 weeks so far. I feel newer. I can't wait for what the rest of our container together has in store. I feel integration and presence and love in my heart that was blocked and frozen for so long. I feel like I'm melting, as you say, and that I'm living so much more.

I want to also write here to express my appreciation for you for charging the prices you do.

When I first signed up with you, It felt like a lot for me, as a mom with a busy family, but I knew my soul felt the pull to work together.

After 3 sessions I want to say - I would pay triple in a heartbeat! These prices create the deepest investment I've ever made in myself- and just for that they are worth it.

They also show me the kind of abundance my healing is worth, and each session is a portal to take me into the next level of my growth, expansion, and presence.

Each session is priceless, and the amount you invest in yourself to invest in your clients is evident in the broad spectrum of modalities, knowledge, and ability for presence that you possess.

Thank you for the opportunity to invest largely in myself.

Thank you for the opportunity to do work that's actually changing me from the insides.

- KR, 1:1 Session Participant

Group Offerings








It was the coolest experience ever! I don't think any amount not even 10 years of therapy can bring you to epiphanies like these sessions can.

- SH, 1:1 Session Participant


In just a few sessions with Rivky I gained so much. I let myself feel my feelings and asked for what I needed and was able to receive it. I felt the love and light and joy and belonging. I was able to give it to myself and share the light with others. I can't believe how much I grew and how much light I have inside of me that I can now give to myself and others. You are the best. I am so grateful I got to know you.

- JN, 1:1 Session Participant


After my sessions, I feel like that squashed part of me has more space to breathe now, and everything feels a little brighter and clearer. Thank you so much!!

- B, 1:1 Session Participant