The Retreat

Hi! My name is Rivky Gross.

I help people find safety inside of their bodies, move through subconscious material that keeps them stuck or searching inside of their lives, and create lasting change inside of the body, heart, and nervous system. I help people repattern old nervous system responses, old wounds, and ways of being so that they can feel free inside of their lives.

I have a master's degree in social work and a 2-time certification in DIR (Developmental, Individual differences, relationship) therapy. I hold various certifications in somatic healing, somatic breathwork, other kinds of breathwork, and IFS/parts work. I am a certified bodyworker, in various bodywork modalities, a hypnotherapist, regression hypnotherapist, and past life regression hypnotherapist.

I have studied various subconscious based modalities and the basis of my work is helping people find safety, and presence inside of the body, as well as making their subconscious material conscious so they can heal from lifelong patterns and defense mechanisms.

In this work, we move at the pace of your nervous system to create lasting change inside.

I work with individuals and groups online and in person, and run workshops, retreats, and courses.

The Process


As a child, you were conditioned with certain beliefs about the world around you. You were imprinted with a very specific way of navigating, being, and seeing the world, based on your unique experiences.

As an adult, you may be confused as to why you struggle with recurring issues, and no matter how much you talk or “will” yourself to resolve them, you feel stuck.

If you have spent countless hours in therapy but haven't seen lasting results, it may be because you haven’t yet addressed healing the root cause of your struggles.

There is something miraculous that can happen when you find the root of a pattern and intentionally rewire it.

Because we get to the root of what is going and incorporate somatic and subconscious work, the process moves more quickly, in a more integrated way, than traditional talk therapy alone.


"For me, after years (and years) of traditional psychotherapy with little tangible results; just a few sessions with Rivky made such a dramatic difference on every level."

- CE, 1:1 Session


"In just a few sessions with Rivky I gained
so much. I let myself feel my feelings and asked for what I needed and was able to receive it. I'm so grateful to have experienced what felt like magic. Thank you."

- PW, 1:1 Session


"I've been part of many many many things in my life and never really felt like, 'ok, this is it,' like I do now.

- TT, The Way of the Heart Participant

Miracles will happen in your life when you heal from the inside out.

"I will only go as fast, as the slowest part of me, feels safe to go."

Process for working 1:1 with Rivky

Intake Session

A first session with Rivky is always a 90 minute intake session.

Learn More Here


This 60 minute session occurs on zoom or in person based on location.

Learn More Here

Group Offerings







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